Which Of The Following Best Describes When Johnson & Johnson Introduces A Travel Size
According to his letter to President Johnson, which of the
following best describesHo Chi Minh's interpretation of the crusade of the Vietnam State of war?
A.) Due south Vietnam was able to attain political independence.
B.) The Vietnamese people united to fight back against the United States.
C.) The United States lost the political back up of its autonomous allies.
"Ho Chi Minh's Reply to President Johnson's Letter," February 15, 1967
Viet-Nam is situated thousands of miles from the The states. The Vietnamese people have never washed any damage to the U.s.. But, reverse to the commitments fabricated by its representative at the Geneva Conference of 1954, the United States Government has constantly intervened in Viet-Nam, it has launched and intensified the state of war of aggression in S Viet-Nam for the purpose of prolonging the partitioning of Viet-Nam and of transforming South Viet-Nam into an American neo-colony and an American military base. . . .
The United States Government has committed war crimes, crimes against peace and against humanity. In Southward Viet-Nam a half-one thousand thousand American soldiers and soldiers from the satellite countries have resorted to the most inhumane artillery and the almost vicious methods of warfare. . . .
The American war of aggression against the Vietnamese people constitutes a challenge to the countries of the socialist camp, a threat to the peoples' independence movement, and a grave danger to peace in Asia and in the earth.
The Vietnamese people deeply love independence, liberty, and peace. But in the face up of the American assailment they have risen upwardly every bit ane man, without fearing the sacrifices and the privations. They are determined to continue their resistance until they have won real independence and liberty and true peace. . . .
Ho Chi Minh
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Which Of The Following Best Describes When Johnson & Johnson Introduces A Travel Size,
Source: https://www.coursehero.com/tutors-problems/US-History/31831630-According-to-his-letter-to-President-Johnson-which-of-the-following-b/
Posted by: ruizresiduchathe.blogspot.com
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